1. enjoy consciously
It doesn’t take much to be happy! Eat a piece of cake – enjoy it, have a day off – enjoy it, the first rays of sunshine in the morning – enjoy them, a compliment – enjoy it,…
We simply need to pay more attention to consciously savouring little things that we usually take for granted!
2. simply relax
Sit back and relax, that’s the plan! And you shouldn’t just do this at the weekend. There must also be time for it during the week. We need to make time to function well! It’s no good doing more than we can handle, everyone needs a break and everyone deserves one! So to all the superheroes out there: relax too!
3. let things happen
It’s usually the case that we worry too much about everything, even the little things… Only then do they influence our day, our mood,… So here’s a good tip: we shouldn’t rack our brains! Don’t think too much – thinking is good and important, but you shouldn’t overdo it! Be spontaneous and let things happen, sometimes they just pass by and you would have thought about them for nothing.
But the best TIP is to do what you love doing and do it with joy, then nothing will stand in the way of your happiness!