1. Adjust the route to your fitness level
Assess yourself realistically: How fit are you really for the type of hike you have in mind? Some terrain can be quite challenging. If you’ve never hiked before, start with a trail that has a gentle incline and firm footing.
And remember, you’re not only carrying your own body weight through nature, but also a few pounds of luggage – for hours at a time. So it doesn’t hurt to try out your fully packed backpack at home.
2. Good equipment is a MUST
Now you still need the right equipment: clothing and shoes must be suitable for the terrain and weatherproof. It is best to pack items of clothing that you can put on top of each other according to the onion principle. Look for breathable, elastic materials and airy cuts.
What you should also have with you: sufficient provisions, a first aid kit, maps, multi-function pocket knife, cell phone and regional emergency numbers.
3. Plan early enough, be well informed
Find out in advance about the hiking region: about weather, trails, accommodation and rest stops. The weather service provides detailed information about seasonal temperatures, precipitation amounts and wind strengths. Online hiking guides, Internet forums and printed guides offer many helpful tips for route planning as well as first impressions of the landscape.
Now nothing stands in your way! Have fun!